End Child Trafficking


Threefold rise in child trafficking into Scotland
The trafficking of vulnerable children into Scotland has risen threefold since 2011, according to new figures. More than half of the 105 children who were found to have been trafficked in the past five years were Vietnamese, brought in to work on cannabis farms and in the sex industry.
Treaties Against Human Trafficking are Key
Treaties against human trafficking key to fighting scourge, supporting victims – UN anti-crime official
Child Trafficking Survivor Rescued
Karla Jacinto is sitting in a serene garden. She looks at the ordinary sights of flowers and can hear people beyond the garden walls, walking and talking in Mexico City. She looks straight into my eyes, her voice cracking slightly, as she tells me the number she wants me to remember -- 43,200.
Fears rise over human trafficking in Sweden
Police in Sweden arrested a record number of people smugglers on the Öresund bridge between the country’s border with Denmark over the past few months.
Nuns Join the Fight to end Child Trafficking
Over 1,000 Nuns Join the Fight to end Child Trafficking by posing as Prostitutes to Rescue Human Trafficking Victims. The Huffington Post reports on a group of religious sisters who go undercover as prostitutes to rescue victims of human trafficking. The network is part of  Talitha Kum.
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